January 01, 2018

Science Center Named for Sangers

In October, the executive committee of the college’s board of trustees unanimously recommended that Beloit’s science center be named to recognize the extraordinary leadership of Marge and Jim Sanger.

Since 1987, when they sent the first of two daughters to study at Beloit, the Sangers have funded scholarships and supported new programming, such as the Sanger Summer Research Program. The summer program alone has funded 163 students to date in sustained research projects with a faculty mentor. The Sangers have also been instrumental in funding both merit and need-based scholarships.

When planning for a new science center began at Beloit in 1996, they committed to that lofty goal, and Jim was a central figure in the project’s fundraising campaign.

Beyond their significant financial support, the Sangers have dedicated energy, intellect, and time to the advancement of the college. Jim Sanger has served on the board of trustees for the past 20 years and chaired the board for the last 12.

The naming announcement came as Jim Sanger completed a successful stint as the college’s board chair and passed the gavel to Stopher Bartol’88, who became chair on October 13. The new, official name of Beloit’s state-of-the-art science building, previously the Center for the Sciences, is the Marjorie and James Sanger Center for the Sciences.

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